These are your Hamstrings! They are kind of a big deal.....They are made of 3 major muscles: your Biceps Femoris, Semimembrinosis and Semitendinosis.
Notice how they attatch all the way up to your pelvis and then all the way down to your knee! These guys act as both knee flexors and Hip extensors! They also perform a litte bit of rotation at the knee. They are active in every step you take as well as when to stand up and sit down. Also, check this out....This is your sciatic nerve! Do you notice how it runs right in the middle of the HS? How might that impact you?? If you have a tendency to always have tight hamstrings or chronic hamstring strains, you may need to pay attention to this connection.
Research shows: Sciatic Nerve conductivity actually DECREASES in hamstrings that are injured. When the nerve gets irritated, it will also effect your hamstrings and cause them to be TIGHTER! Also, when you think of nerve tension, applying nerve gliding to the HS actually helps improve the HS flexibility and postural balance in health adults! Not only that, but your Sciatic nerve does originate from your spine in the L/S, so this can also effect your low back. Research has also found that people with a history of chronic low back pain have significantly TIGHTER hamstrings than those without back pain.
This is only a few of the reasons why it is important to STRETCH! Stretch these guys out every day and everywhere!