#dynamic #dynamicworkout #physicaltherapy #injuryprevention #performanceenhancement #letsgetphysical
Does anybody remember being "young"???? Does anybody remember just getting up to play and run and go play with your friends? Or go to your sports? and arriving at your soccer game at the very last minute and then playing your best?....or....your worst? I mean, I'm 32 years old.....I'm still VERY young.....but somehow the idea of getting up to go just doesn't seem quite as appealing as it was when I was 15 showing up late to those soccer games.....or when I was 22 and just going to workout with friends (actually I was working out with myself...but I count as my friend, right?? lol) I mean, I can still do it, I'd just rather stretch for a second first. For those of you who are 52....I'm sure you can still get up and go....but don't you, like, feel it a little bit?...just a little? Today, we are going to discuss the importance of a dynamic warm up! More specifically....an ACTIVITY SPECIFIC warm up! And why it is so important!
A lot of us are taught to stretch before we exercise. If you played sports, they usually teach you to do a warm up. Depending on your sport, it may consist of various types of exercises. Usually....running 🏃🏼♀️....maybe some side shuffling....maybe some dribbling....but usually something related to what you are going to be playing. This is smart! These adults were onto something! But somehow, we kind of forget about it when we start going to the gym as an adult. We think of a warm up before lifting may just be a little run before hand. Or just to stretch....It's even worse when we are about to clean out that garage! You know...the one you've been avoiding for, like, ever?! None of us think about warming up for that! But, the same ideas that applied to the sports we played apply to the gym, our every day life, and you guessed it! Cleaning out that garage! 📦
Studies have actually shown that performing a dynamic warm up is beneficial for our bodies for many reasons! More specifically...a SPORTS or ACTIVITY SPECIFIC Dynamic Warm up is best!
Let me say that again...... a SPORTS or ACTIVITY SPECIFIC Dynamic Warm up is best!
❌NOT stretching❌
❌NOT just a 5 minute jog❌
❌NOT even a dynamic stretch!❌
✅One more time...a SPORTS/ ACTIVITY SPECIFIC Dynamic Warm up is best!✅
According to one study, studying soccer athletes, performing a soccer specific warm up that included: jogging, hip in outs..... demonstrated reduced injures and increased performance!
Another study found that in tennis players performing stretches......demonstrated the same conclusion: LESS injuries and BETTER performance!
In fact, there have been numerous studies that demonstrate that static stretching, even some that show dynamic stretching, actually decreases performance.
So why is that?
Studies show that there is a heightened muscle spindle activation that is caused by the quick discontinuous dynamic exercises in a Dynamic Warm Up. Along with that, it helps to increased the peak concentric and eccentric torque of the muscles. The dynamic warm up can also enhance oxygen delivery, improving blood flow and improving the speed of the neurotransmitters. It also helps to improve our mind/body connection and our motor patterns. So, the more activity specific your warm up is, the better activation of those specific muscle spindles will be, the better your motor pattern will be warmed up and then the speed of the signal from your brain to that muscle to activate! Your core will also be more activated, which always helps to reduce injury as well.
I have included in this blog a few videos of some warm ups that I enjoy doing. These may change depending on what I am working out that day. Give them a try and Enjoy!!!